Fingerhut Headquarters – Fingerhut is an online as well as offline catalog retailers where they allow people to purchase items on credit based on a monthly payment plan.
Usually the cost of ownership while using Fingerhut is quite high but consumers still have the option to purchase from Fingerhut when all of their other credit cards have been turned down at any store. The Fingerhut HQ is basically Bluestem Brands.
Fingerhut Headquarters information and many other details about the compnay find out from this article.

Fingerhut Headquarters Info
The Fingerhut corporate offices are located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. However on their official website the address for Bluestem Brands is provided which is located in St Cloud, Minnesota.
Fingerhut HQ address: The addresses for Fingerhut corporate offices are as follows:
Fingerhut c/o Bluestem Brands 6509 Flying Cloud Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Fingerhut Customer Service 6250 Ridgewood Rd., St. Cloud, MN 56303
Fingerhut HQ email address: There is no direct email address available for contacting their headquarters. However, there are two mail addresses available for investor relations and media relations. There is also a contact form which is available on the official website. This contact form is for the customer executive team and will not deliver your message to the corporate office. You can also send your email to Fingerhut customer service if you want to.
Contact form for customer service:
Customer service email address:
Fingerhut HQ phone number: The phone number for Fingerhut HQ is 1-952-656-3700. If you want to contact customer service directly then you can call 1-800-208-2500, which is available from 7:00am to 10:00pm Central Time, 7 days a week.
Fingerhut official website: There is an official website for both Fingerhut as well as Bluestem corporate offices.
Fingerhut Headquarters Executive Team
Fingerhut HQ is currently managed the following members. There isn’t any direct team of executive members.
Bruce Cazenave – Chief Executive Officer
Neil Ayotte – Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Pete Michielutti – Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Jackie Punch – Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer
Jim Slavik – Executive Vice President & President of Credit Services
Mark Williams – President, Northstar Portfolio
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There are currently two companies which are associated with Fingerhut HQ. There are mainly and PayCheck Direct. is very similar to Fingerhut where they provide credit from WebBank.
PayCheck Direct is an employer program that allows consumers to purchase items directly from an online catalog and spread the interest-free payments out over a payment play with payments deducted directly from the consumer’s paycheck.
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